Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sickness and Randomness

Well, my boyfriend and I seemed to have caught that crazy flu that's been going around. He was absolutely burning up this morning, poor thing. So we ended up not going to the family reunion because neither of us were feeling good and we didn't want to infect a bajillion people because that just wouldn't be cool. We both work with kids, so I'm 99 percent sure that's where the germ culprit lies. Ground zero, if you will.

I don't like to advertise reddit because it gives off a really douchy, hipster vibe that I'm not into, but I cannot deny that some of the subreddits are my guilty pleasure when I'm bored. Awhile ago, I found this story on reddit by the username 1000 vultures, and it was really good! I actually found it in the subreddit nosleep, a place where people write about scary stories and experiences. Some stories are true, others are not; but a lot of them are fun to read no matter what. The one I'm referring to is fiction, and it's really well written. It's so good that a lot of users urged the author (Dathan Auerbach) to publish it- and he did! He called it Penpal, and he added some length and fixed it up a bit in the published version. I bought it on iBooks, and I have no regrets. It's absolutely intoxicating. It's nice to have, too; as I lie here in bed being miserably sick ;(

Above- Penpal by Dathan Auerbach

This morning, I tried my new shampoo and conditioner I ordered from Lathers and Lights, and I'm really impressed. I really like the scent and both worked really well. I got a perfume with the same scent as the shampoo and conditioner, and I'm happy I did! I will make an official Lathers and Lights post soon.

I hope you all are having a more fortunate weekend than I am. Have a very wonderful day/afternoon/evening, and thanks for reading!


  1. Awww poor you and your bf! Feel better soon and kick that bug out! Don't forget rest & fluids xoxo

    1. You're such a sweetheart, dear Su! I couldn't sleep at all last night, it was pretty awful. But it's a new day and I'm not
      Feeling too horrible, so I'll make sure to rest and keep hydrated! <3

  2. Get well soon!
    I can't wait to read all about your L&L haul!

    1. Thank you sweetie! I'm about to start working on that soon <3

  3. Ooh, you've intrigued me with that book - I just downloaded it on iBooks too!

    Hope you feel better soon, being sick sucks. <3

    1. I'm excited you downloaded it too! I'd love to hear what you think of it! :D

      Thank you so much for the well wishes <3


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