Friday, January 11, 2013

Easy Makeup!

I, for one, do not like waking up in the mornings. I love the sunrise, the birds chirping, the stillness, and all the beauty that mornings come with; I just don't like the actual waking up part. I am a grumpy asshole in the morning. Anyway, I like to do easy makeup when possible, because I'd rather be enjoying my morning than trying to get my eyeshadow shaped and blended. Therefore, I opt for winged liner and a crapton of mascara, and I like how it turns out.

So... these pictures are going to be awkward as hell because I don't really take pictures of myself and I forget how to 'human'... but yeah, here's pictures of my makeup :D

I'm pretending to have big eyes. I look dumb as hale, but I like how my makeup looks here, so I swallowed mah pride and posted this anyway.
Jordana Fabuliner in Black
Tarina Tarantino Sparklicity Pure in the inner corners of my lid
A LOT of Maybelline Cat Eyes mascara
MAC Matchmaster Foundation in 1
MAC Studio Sculpt powder in NC15
MAC blush in Pink Swoon
What do you guys like to use for an every day makeup look? :)
Thanks for reading, and have a lovely weekend!
DISCLAIMER: All products mentioned were purchased by me for my own personal usage. I am not affiliated with or compensated by any of the companies mentioned. All opinions are my own and always 100% honest.


  1. You are so beautiful! Love the eyeliner, so precisely applied! You do have big, bright eyes :)

    1. Thank you so much Su, you are so incredibly sweet! I think I'm *just now* getting the hang of liquid eyeliner even though I've been attempting to wing it out for 10 dang years, haha! The Jordana eyeliner really helps. A really sweet girl at Savers told me about it, and I got it for like 3 dollars at the pharmacy! :) best eyeliner EVER! Thank you for the compliments, you seriously made my day <3

  2. Your eyeliner looks perfect, just lovely! Love the inner corner highlight, too.

    1. Thank you so much, that is so kind of you to say <3 I'm glad you like the inner corner highlight because it's REALLY sparkly IRL and I thought it might be too much... But... I can never have enough sparkles :D

  3. This looks really great!

    I have seriously given up on eye makeup... My eyes are so weird that the usual tricks just don´t work (quite protruding eyes with HUGE eyelids)... Plus I´ve never gotten the hang of liquid eyeliner... I do mascara and not much else...

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words <3

      I think we all have things about ourselves we find weird or what have you, but I find it truly beautiful to have qualities that aren't run-of-the-mill. You're lucky you have huge eyelids! It's hard for me to figure out eyeshadow shapes because I have weirdly-sized eyelids. I think mascara alone is a really pretty look! It took a lot of guts for me to post this picture because there are a lot of people that are really outstanding at makeup! And I am not, heh! But that's ok. Liquid eyeliner is tricky! The one I use is like a marker, so it makes it so much easier :D

    2. Yeah, mostly I like my weird eyelids, but they are difficult to use eyeshadow on... any color I put on there looks weird because the area is so big... The only way I have figured out that works with eyeshadow is color at the eyelash edge and in the crease and just very light (white or nude) eyeshadow on the rest of the lid...

  4. You have so beautiful eyes! I love the inner corner highlight! I use one too when I go out.
    The mornings, I spend more time to choose my perfume than I do my makeup!
    I use Clinique's Almost powder make up as a base and then I apply red or purple lipstick! It depends from what I wear. That's all!

    1. Thank you, Amanda! You all know how to make a lady blush <3

      That's actually awesome that you take more time choosing your perfume than on your makeup :D Your makeup routine sounds simple, but beautiful! Thank you very much for sharing <3

  5. I'm with you on the winged eyeliner thing. It's dramatic and looks like you tried but it's not too hard to do if you're having a rough morning! You probably don't even NEED any eyeliner, you have very striking blue eyes! Jealous!

    1. Yes, isn't winger eyeliner just amazing? I'm very grateful that Cleopatra set such a sexy example for the rest of us ladies, heh! Thank you for the compliment, it means a lot to me! But you know, you also have beautiful eyes! And you're incredibly talented in a lot of ways. So yeah, I'm pretty jealous of you myself <3

    2. Winger eyeliner? Thanks, iPhone. Winged* ;)


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